  1. bugzilla-trend-analysis-in-bugzilla

Trend Analysis in Bugzilla Reports

Trend analysis is a technique used to analyze how a value changes over time. In Bugzilla, we can use trend analysis to analyze the frequency and severity of bugs filed over a period of time. This tutorial will show you how to perform trend analysis in Bugzilla reports.

Getting Started with Trend Analysis


To perform trend analysis in Bugzilla, we need to generate a report that displays data over a period of time. We can use the following syntax to generate a report in Bugzilla:



Let's assume we want to generate a trend analysis report for all bugs in our Bugzilla instance that are "NEW," "ASSIGNED," "REOPENED," or "resolved" from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2021. Here's an example of how to generate the report:

  1. Go to the Home page of your Bugzilla instance.
  2. Click on the Advanced Search button.
  3. Set the following search parameters:
    • Status: NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, resolved
    • Changed After: 01/01/2019
    • Changed Before: 12/31/2021
  4. Click on the Search button.
  5. Click on the Export button and select "CSV" as the file format.
  6. Save the CSV file to your computer.
  7. Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet program and perform trend analysis as needed.


The output of the trend analysis report will be a graph or chart that displays the frequency and severity of bugs filed over a period of time.


Trend analysis in Bugzilla involves generating a report that displays data over a specific period of time. The report can be generated based on various search parameters, including status, severity, component, and many more. After generating the report, you can save it as a CSV file, import it into a spreadsheet program, and perform trend analysis as needed.

Trend analysis can help identify any patterns or trends in the frequency and severity of bugs filed over time. This information can be useful for improving the quality of the software, identifying areas that require more attention, and tracking progress over time.


Trend analysis in Bugzilla reports can be used to:

  • Identify patterns or trends in the frequency and severity of bugs filed over time.
  • Improve the quality of the software by identifying areas that require more attention.
  • Track progress over time and evaluate the effectiveness of bug fixes and other software changes.

Important Points

  • Trend analysis in Bugzilla involves generating a report that displays data over a specific period of time.
  • Trend analysis can help identify any patterns or trends in the frequency and severity of bugs filed over time.
  • The output of trend analysis is usually a graph or chart that displays the data in an easily understandable format.


In this tutorial, we learned about trend analysis in Bugzilla reports, its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. Trend analysis is a powerful tool that can help identify patterns or trends in the frequency and severity of bugs filed over time. By performing trend analysis in Bugzilla reports, you can improve the quality of the software, identify areas that require more attention, and track progress over time.

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