  1. aspnet-mvc-filters-and-middleware-ordering

Filters and Middleware Ordering - (ASP.NET MVC Advanced Topics)

ASP.NET MVC provides a powerful framework for building web applications, and one of its key features is the ability to apply filters and middleware to requests. However, it's important to understand the order in which filters and middleware are applied in order to achieve the desired results. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the ordering of filters and middleware in ASP.NET MVC.


The ordering of filters and middleware in ASP.NET MVC is controlled by the order in which they are registered in the application pipeline. Filters can be added to the pipeline using attributes on controllers and actions, while middleware can be added using the Use extension method.

public class MyFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute 
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) 
        // Filter logic here

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) 
    app.UseMvc(routes => {
            name: "default",
            template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


Let's look at an example of how filters and middleware are ordered in ASP.NET MVC. Suppose we have the following code:

public class MyController : Controller 
    public IActionResult Index() 
        return View();

public class MyMiddleware 
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
    public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next) 
        _next = next;
    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context) 
        // Middleware logic here
        await _next(context);

In this example, we have a controller that is decorated with a custom filter attribute. We also have a middleware class that handles requests and calls the next middleware in the pipeline. When a request is made to the Index action on the MyController, the filter and middleware will be executed in the following order:

  1. MyMiddleware.InvokeAsync
  2. MyOtherMiddleware.InvokeAsync
  3. MyFilterAttribute.OnActionExecuting
  4. MyController.Index


In ASP.NET MVC, middleware and filters are executed in the order in which they are registered in the application pipeline. Middleware is registered using the Use extension method, and filters are registered using attributes on controllers and actions. When a request is made, the middleware and filters are executed in the order in which they were registered.


Understanding the order in which filters and middleware are applied is important when developing ASP.NET MVC applications. By controlling the order in which they are registered, you can ensure that they are executed in the desired order, which can affect the behavior of your application.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with filters and middleware in ASP.NET MVC:

  • Filters and middleware are executed in the order in which they are registered in the application pipeline.
  • Filters can be registered on controllers and actions using attributes.
  • Middleware can be registered using the Use extension method.
  • The order in which filters and middleware are executed can affect the behavior of your application.


In this tutorial, we discussed the ordering of filters and middleware in ASP.NET MVC. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of filter and middleware ordering. Understanding the order in which filters and middleware are applied is important when developing ASP.NET MVC applications and can help you achieve the desired behavior for your application.

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