  1. aspnet-mvc-code-first-approach

Code-First Approach - (ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework)

The Code-First approach is a technique for developing applications using the ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework. Instead of starting with a database schema, you start with your application's domain model and let the Entity Framework create the database schema based on that model. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the Code-First approach and how to implement it in an ASP.NET MVC application using the Entity Framework.


The general syntax for using the Code-First approach with the Entity Framework is as follows:

public class MyContext : DbContext
      public DbSet<MyModel> MyModel { get; set; }


To illustrate the Code-First approach in ASP.NET MVC using the Entity Framework, let's consider the following example. Suppose we have a simple domain model consisting of a Customer class:

public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }

We can then create a DbContext class:

public class CustomerContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }

The DbSet property provides a representation of the Customer entity set, and the DbContext class provides a context for the model.

Finally, we can create a controller for the Customer model:

public class CustomerController : Controller
    private CustomerContext db = new CustomerContext();

    public ActionResult Index()
        return View(db.Customers.ToList());

    // Other actions for creating, editing, and deleting customers...

This controller uses the CustomerContext context to retrieve and manipulate Customer entities.


The Code-First approach is a technique for developing applications using the ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework. Instead of creating a database and then generating classes to map to that database, you start by defining your application's domain model as a set of classes. You then use the Entity Framework to generate a database schema from those classes.

The DbSet property in the DbContext class provides a means of working with the entities defined in the domain model from within the ASP.NET MVC application. The DbSet property returns a queryable data set of entities which can be queried, updated, and deleted using LINQ to Entities.


The Code-First approach is useful for developing applications where the data model is not known at the outset of development, or where the data model is likely to evolve over time. With Code-First, you can define your data model using plain C# classes and use the Entity Framework to generate a database schema from those classes.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using the Code-First approach with the Entity Framework:

  • The Code-First approach allows you to define and evolve the data model using C# classes.
  • The Entity Framework uses conventions to generate a database schema from the classes.
  • You can customize the generated schema using data annotations or Fluent API.
  • The Code-First approach supports migration, which allows you to update the database automatically as your model changes.


In this tutorial, we discussed the Code-First approach in the ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of the Code-First approach. With the Code-First approach, you can define your data model using plain C# classes and let the Entity Framework generate a database schema from those classes. This approach is helpful when the data model is not known at the outset of development and when the data model is likely to evolve over time.

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