  1. aspnet-mvc-asynchronous-programming

Asynchronous Programming - (ASP.NET MVC Advanced Topics)

Asynchronous programming is a technique in which a program can perform operations in a non-blocking manner, allowing the execution of other tasks while waiting for a response from the operation. In ASP.NET MVC, asynchronous programming can be used to improve the scalability and responsiveness of web applications. In this tutorial, we'll discuss what asynchronous programming is and how it can be used in ASP.NET MVC.


The syntax for asynchronous programming in ASP.NET MVC involves defining a method with the async keyword and using the await keyword to asynchronously execute a method that returns a Task.

public async Task<ActionResult> MyAsyncAction()
    // Asynchronously execute a method that returns a Task
    await MyAsyncMethod();

    // Return a result
    return View();


To illustrate asynchronous programming in ASP.NET MVC, let's look at an example. Suppose we have a HomeController with an action method called Index that calls a method to retrieve a list of products from a database.

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly ProductService _productService;

    public HomeController()
        _productService = new ProductService();

    public ActionResult Index()
        var products = _productService.GetProducts();
        return View(products);

In this code, the GetProducts method retrieves a list of products from a database synchronously. To make this method asynchronous, we can modify it to return a Task and use the await keyword to asynchronously execute the database query:

public class ProductService
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public ProductService()
        _context = new ApplicationDbContext();

    public async Task<List<Product>> GetProductsAsync()
        return await _context.Products.ToListAsync();

Then we can modify the Index action method in the HomeController to use the asynchronous GetProductsAsync method:

public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
    var products = await _productService.GetProductsAsync();
    return View(products);


Asynchronous programming in ASP.NET MVC allows you to perform time-consuming operations without blocking the execution of the application. By using the async and await keywords, you can execute operations in a non-blocking manner and allow the application to continue processing other requests while waiting for the operation to complete.


Asynchronous programming is useful in ASP.NET MVC when you have time-consuming operations, such as accessing a database or calling a web service, that could potentially block the execution of the application. By using asynchronous programming, you can improve the scalability and responsiveness of the application.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using asynchronous programming in ASP.NET MVC:

  • Asynchronous programming is useful for time-consuming operations, such as accessing a database or calling a web service, that could potentially block the execution of the application.
  • Asynchronous programming can improve the scalability and responsiveness of the application, but it can also complicate the code and introduce the potential for race conditions.
  • When using asynchronous programming, it's important to choose the appropriate degree of parallelism to avoid overloading the system or creating deadlock situations.


In this tutorial, we discussed asynchronous programming in ASP.NET MVC, which allows you to perform operations in a non-blocking manner to improve the scalability and responsiveness of the application. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of asynchronous programming in ASP.NET MVC. With this knowledge, you can implement asynchronous programming in your ASP.NET MVC applications to improve performance and scalability.

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