  1. agile-team-members-role

Team Members' Role - Agile Daily Stand-up


The daily stand-up meeting involves the whole team. It is usually held at the same time and place every day. Typical time-boxing for the stand-up is ten minutes. Each team member should answer three questions:
- What did you do yesterday?
- What will you do today?
- What obstacles are you encountering?


Team members can answer the three questions as follows:
- Yesterday, I worked on fixing the login page issue.
- Today, I plan to work on the payment gateway integration.
- I am facing some technical difficulties in implementing the payment gateway.


The output of the daily stand-up meeting is to ensure that everyone in the team is on the same page. It also helps to identify any blockers and allow the team to work collaboratively to resolve them.```

## Explanation
In Agile methodology, the daily stand-up meeting is a short and focused meeting where all members of the team come together and discuss the progress and the plan for the day. The aim of the meeting is to discuss everyone's progress, identify any issues or blockers that need to be resolved, and work collaboratively towards the completion of the project.

## Use
The daily stand-up meeting is an essential part of Agile methodology. It is used to keep the team members updated on the project's progress, identify challenges, and allow solutions to be discussed openly. The stand-up meeting provides a platform for all team members to share their status and contribute to the project's success.

## Important Points
- The daily stand-up meeting should be short and time-boxed.
- All team members should attend the stand-up meeting.
- The three questions should be answered in a concise and focused manner.
- The aim of the meeting is to identify any blockers and work collaboratively to resolve them.

## Summary
The daily stand-up meeting is a key component of the Agile methodology. It allows team members to discuss their progress, identify issues, and work towards the completion of the project. The format is simple, and every team member should answer the three questions - What did you do yesterday, what will you do today, and what obstacles are you encountering. By working collaboratively through the stand-up, the team can achieve better outcomes.
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