  1. agile-principles

Principles of Agile Development

Agile methodology is a process for software development that emphasizes collaboration and flexibility. The principles of Agile Development are as follows:

Individual interactions over processes and tools

In agile, individuals and interactions are more valued than processes and tools. While having the right process and toolset is important, it is critical to prioritize individuals and their communication with each other.


A cross-functional team sitting together to discuss and prioritize work items for the day.


Better communication within the team.


This helps to prioritize communication and fosters cross-functional collaboration. The team can effectively resolve dependencies and obstacles that hinder their sprint progress.

Focus on working software over documentation

The Agile methodology emphasizes the delivery of working software and customer value over excessive documentation. Documentation is created in parallel with the development of the software, rather than as a separate process.


The team creates a working software increment, conducts testing, and releases it to the customer.


Working software that meets the customer's requirements.


This approach reduces the need for extensive documentation upfront, enabling the team to quickly release software to the customer, get feedback, and iterate.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Collaborating with the customer is more effective compared to tedious contract negotiation processes. By providing continuous updates to the customer, they can better visualize the end product and make informed decisions.


In an agile project, the product owner works closely with the development team and has constant communication with the customer.


The product owner collaborates with the customer to understand customer requirements and can make key decisions based on this understanding.


The principle of customer collaboration ensures that the customer's requirements are accurately captured and the correct functionalities delivered to them.

Responding to change over following a plan

As changes are a constant occurrence in software development, agile methodology prioritizes agile development over rigid planning. Agile methodology acknowledges that changes are inevitable and emphasizes flexibility in responding to these changes.


The development team uses agile principles to prioritize changes that need to be made when the customer updates requirements.


Products that respond to the ever-evolving customer needs


By embracing agility, teams can better adapt to changes in the market and quickly pivot on project requirements.

Importance of technical excellence and good design

Agile prioritizes technical excellence and good design as a means of reducing technical debt, ensuring code reusability, and enabling the team to deliver high-quality software.


Code reviews and quality assurance processes help promote technical excellence within the team.


High-quality software with fewer defects.


The principle of technical excellence ensures that software is developed in a maintainable and scalable manner, decreasing the likelihood of software defects, and improving overall software quality.

Teams self-organize / self-manage

The agile methodology emphasizes self-organizing and self-managing teams for maximum independence. By reducing external oversight, each team member is empowered to carry out their roles independently, with little or no supervision.


Agile teams typically have a Scrum or Kanban board that assists in visualizing the work and helps in prioritizing the same. It is the team's responsibility to manage the board and ensure that they remain productive throughout the sprint.


A self-directed, self-organized team capable of delivering high-quality software.


This principle helps to empower individuals in the team, leading to higher productivity and collaboration. The team is responsible for increasing the overall effectiveness of the project by taking ownership of the solutions they build.


In conclusion, Agile principles are built around collaboration, flexibility, and iterative improvements. By adopting this methodology, teams can develop high-quality software while addressing changing customer needs.

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