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Metrics - Agile Project Management

In Agile project management, metrics are used to measure and track progress towards achieving project goals. Metrics provide insight into how the team and project are performing and help to identify areas for improvement.


There are several metrics used in Agile project management, including:

  • Velocity - Measure of the amount of work completed in a sprint
  • Burn-up chart - Graph that shows the total work completed in a sprint
  • Burn-down chart - Graph that shows the remaining work in a sprint
  • Cycle time - Time it takes to complete a task from start to finish
  • Lead time - Time it takes to complete a task from request to finish


Let's take an example of Velocity. The calculation of velocity is based on completed story points.

Velocity = Completed Story Points / Sprint Duration in days

If a team completed 40 story points over a 10-day sprint, then the velocity would be 4 story points per day.


The output of metrics in Agile project management is a set of measurements that can be used to adjust the work process.


Agile project management is based on the continuous improvement process, which requires teams to track and measure their progress. Metrics are used to monitor the progress of a project and to identify areas that need improvement. Metrics enable teams to adjust their work process to improve efficiency and effectiveness.


Metrics are used in Agile project management to:

  • Measure and track progress towards achieving project goals
  • Identify areas that need improvement
  • Adjust the work process to improve efficiency and effectiveness

Important Points

  • Metrics provide insight into how the team and project are performing
  • Different metrics are used to track different aspects of the project
  • Metrics are used to adjust the work process to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Metrics are only useful when used to drive action and improvements


Metrics play a significant role in Agile project management, providing teams with insight into how they are performing and helping them to identify areas for improvement. Teams use metrics to adjust their work process to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Different metrics are used to track different aspects of the project, such as velocity, cycle time, and lead time.

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