  1. swift-parameter-return-value

Swift Parameters and Return Values

Functions are the building blocks of any programming language that allow us to create reusable code. In Swift, functions are defined with parameters and return values.


Here is the syntax for declaring a function with parameters and a return value in Swift:

func functionName(parameter1: Type1, parameter2: Type2) -> ReturnType {
    // code to be executed
    return value


Here is an example of a Swift function with parameters and a return value:

func areaOfRectangle(length: Double, width: Double) -> Double {
    let area = length * width
    return area


The output of this function, when called with appropriate arguments, will be the area of the rectangle.


The above Swift function takes two Double type parameters, length and width, and returns their product as the area of the rectangle.


Functions with parameters and return values are used to write reusable code that can be used in multiple places in an application. They are useful when we need to perform a particular task multiple times with different values.

Important Points

  • Functions in Swift can have one or more parameters.
  • Each parameter has a name and a type.
  • The order of the parameters is important.
  • The return type of a function is specified after the parameter list, separated by an arrow (->) symbol.
  • A return statement must be used in functions that have a return type.


In Swift, functions allow us to create reusable code that performs a particular task. Functions can have one or more parameters and a return type. The order of the parameters is important, and a return statement must be used in functions that have a return type. Functions with parameters and return values are used to write reusable code that can be used in multiple places in an application.

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