  1. swift-comparison-operators

Swift Comparison Operators

Swift provides a set of comparison operators that allow you to compare values and determine if one value is greater than, less than, or equal to another value. These operators are used extensively in Swift code to make decisions based on the values of variables and constants.


Swift comparison operators are binary operators, which means they are applied to two values. Here are the common comparison operators in Swift:

  • > : greater than
  • < : less than
  • >= : greater than or equal to
  • <= : less than or equal to
  • == : equal to
  • != : not equal to


Here are a few examples of how to use Swift comparison operators:

let a = 10
let b = 20

if (a < b) {
    print("a is less than b")

if (a != b) {
    print("a is not equal to b")

let c = "hello"
let d = "world"

if (c == d) {
    print("c is equal to d")


Based on the above code, the following output will be produced:

a is less than b
a is not equal to b


In the example above, we initialize two constants a and b with values of 10 and 20 respectively. We then use the less than operator (<) to evaluate if a is less than b. Since this condition is true, the first print statement is executed, producing the output “a is less than b”.

Next, we use the not equal to operator (!=) to evaluate if a is not equal to b. Since this condition is also true, the second print statement is executed, producing the output “a is not equal to b”.

Finally, we initialize two constants c and d with values of "hello" and "world" respectively. We then use the equal to operator (==) to evaluate if c is equal to d. Since this condition is false, the third print statement is not executed.


Swift comparison operators are used extensively in Swift code to make decisions based on the values of variables and constants. They are commonly used in conditional statements to determine which branch of code to execute based on the outcome of the comparison.

Important Points

  • Swift comparison operators are binary operators that are applied to two values
  • Common comparison operators in Swift include: >, <, >=, <=, ==, and !=
  • Swift comparison operators are used extensively in conditional statements to make decisions based on the values of variables and constants
  • The result of a comparison in Swift is a Bool value of either true or false


Swift comparison operators are an important part of the Swift programming language. They allow you to compare values and make decisions based on the outcome of the comparison. Swift comparison operators are widely used in conditional statements to determine which branch of code to execute.

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