  1. pygame-adding-background-music

Adding background music - (Sound and Music in Pygame)

Pygame is a popular Python framework for building games and multimedia applications. One of the key features of Pygame is its ability to play sounds and music. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to add background music to your Pygame application.


The syntax for playing background music in Pygame is as follows:


Suppose you have a Pygame application that displays a game menu. To add background music to the menu, you can use the following code:

import pygame


This code loads the file background_music.mp3 and plays it on loop indefinitely.


Pygame provides a number of functions for working with sounds and music. The module specifically provides functions for loading and playing background music. To add background music to your Pygame application, you simply need to load the music file using and then start playing it using You can also specify how many times the music should play using the loops parameter.


You can use background music to enhance the atmosphere and gameplay of your Pygame applications. Background music can make your game feel more immersive and engaging for the player.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using background music in Pygame:

  • Be sure to use music files that are in a supported format (such as MP3 or OGG).
  • Be careful not to use copyrighted music without permission.
  • Use background music judiciously - too much music can be overwhelming or distracting for the player.
  • Consider implementing controls for the player to adjust the music volume or turn it off.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to add background music to your Pygame application using the module. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of adding background music to your Pygame application. By adding background music, you can enhance the atmosphere and engagement of your Pygame game or application.

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