  1. postgresql-truncate-table

Truncate Table - (PostgreSQL Table)

The TRUNCATE TABLE command is a PostgreSQL command that allows you to quickly remove all the rows from a table without the need for a DELETE statement. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the TRUNCATE TABLE command to delete all data from a PostgreSQL table.


TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
  • table_name: The name of the table to be truncated.


Let's take a look at an example of the TRUNCATE TABLE command in action:


In this example, all the data in the users table will be deleted.


The TRUNCATE TABLE command deletes all data from a table by removing all rows. It is a quick way to clear a table of its data without the need for a DELETE statement. Unlike the DELETE statement, which deletes rows one at a time, TRUNCATE TABLE simply removes all rows from the table in one go.

Additionally, the TRUNCATE TABLE command resets the IDENTITY counter of a SERIAL column to its original value.


The TRUNCATE TABLE command is used to quickly remove all data from a table without deleting the table itself. This is useful if you need to clear the data from a table but want to keep the table structure intact.

Important Points

  • The TRUNCATE TABLE command cannot be undone once it has been executed.
  • When a table is truncated, all data is deleted. This means that any indexes, constraints or triggers associated with the table may also be deleted.
  • If you need to delete specific rows from the table, you should use the DELETE statement instead of TRUNCATE TABLE.


In this tutorial, we discussed the TRUNCATE TABLE command in PostgreSQL. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of using the TRUNCATE TABLE command. With this knowledge, you can now use the TRUNCATE TABLE command to quickly remove all data from a PostgreSQL table.

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