  1. postgresql-between

BETWEEN - (PostgreSQL Conditions)

BETWEEN is a conditional operator in PostgreSQL used to test whether a value is within a range of values or not. It allows you to search for data between two values, inclusive of those values.

In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of BETWEEN conditional operator in PostgreSQL.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;
  • column_name(s): The name of the column or columns to retrieve data from.
  • table_name: The name of the table to retrieve data from.
  • value1: The lower bound of the range to search for.
  • value2: The upper bound of the range to search for.


Let's take a look at an example of using BETWEEN in PostgreSQL.

FROM employees
WHERE salary BETWEEN 40000 AND 50000;

In this example, we are selecting all the columns from the employees table where the salary column is between 40000 and 50000.


The output of this query would be all the rows from the employees table where the salary column is between 40000 and 50000.


In this example, we used the BETWEEN condition to filter the rows returned from the employees table based on the salary column. The condition checks whether the salary value for each row is between the values 40000 and 50000, inclusive.


The BETWEEN condition operator in PostgreSQL can be used to search for data within a range of values based on a specific column or set of columns in a table.

Important Points

  • The BETWEEN condition includes both value1 and value2, unlike other conditions in PostgreSQL that use < and > operators.
  • The BETWEEN condition can be used with other conditional operators such as AND and OR.
  • When using BETWEEN condition with date, time, or timestamp data types, be sure to enclose the dates or times in single quotes.


In this tutorial, we discussed the BETWEEN condition operator in PostgreSQL. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of using the BETWEEN condition operator. With this knowledge, you can now use BETWEEN condition in your PostgreSQL queries to search for data within a specific range of values.

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