  1. pl-sql-introduction

PL/SQL Tutorial

PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is a procedural extension of SQL that is used in Oracle databases. It combines the functionality of SQL with programming constructs such as loops and conditionals and is used to create stored procedures, functions, and other database objects.

This tutorial will cover the basics of PL/SQL programming, including syntax, examples, and best practices.


PL/SQL code is written in blocks, which consist of a header and a body section. The header section begins with the keyword DECLARE and defines any variables and cursors used in the block. The body section consists of one or more statements and begins with the keyword BEGIN and ends with the keyword END. Here is an example of a PL/SQL block:

  -- variable declarations
  my_var VARCHAR2(20) := 'Hello';

  -- PL/SQL statements
  IF my_var = 'Hello' THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(my_var || ' World!');

In this block, we declare a variable called my_var of type VARCHAR2 and initialize it to the value of 'Hello'. We then use an IF statement to check if my_var is equal to 'Hello', and if it is, we print 'Hello World!' to the console using the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure.


Here is an example of a PL/SQL stored procedure that takes a department name as a parameter and returns the total number of employees in that department:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_department_count(dept_name IN VARCHAR2, count OUT NUMBER) AS
  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count FROM employees WHERE department = dept_name;
END get_department_count;

In this stored procedure, we declare a VARCHAR2 input parameter called dept_name and a NUMBER output parameter called count. We then use a SELECT statement to count the number of employees in the specified department and store the result in the count parameter.


In PL/SQL, output can be displayed using the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure or returned as a result from a stored procedure or function.


PL/SQL provides a procedural approach to database programming that allows developers to create complex routines using programming constructs such as loops, conditionals, and functions. PL/SQL code is organized into blocks that consist of a header section for variable declarations and a body section for PL/SQL statements.


PL/SQL is most commonly used for creating stored procedures, functions, and triggers in Oracle databases. It is also used for creating custom data types, cursors, and packages that can be used to improve the performance and efficiency of database applications.

Important Points

  • PL/SQL is a procedural extension of SQL that is used in Oracle databases.
  • PL/SQL code is organized into blocks that consist of a header section and a body section.
  • PL/SQL is used for creating stored procedures, functions, triggers, and other database objects.
  • Output in PL/SQL can be displayed using the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure or returned as a result from a stored procedure or function.


In summary, PL/SQL is a powerful procedural language used for creating stored procedures, functions, and triggers in Oracle databases. With its support for programming constructs such as loops and conditionals, PL/SQL provides developers with a flexible and scalable approach to database programming.

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