  1. pl-sql-if

IF - (PL/SQL Control Statements)

In PL/SQL, the IF statement is a control statement that allows you to execute a block of code conditionally.


The basic syntax of the IF statement in PL/SQL is as follows:

IF condition THEN
ELSEIF condition THEN

Here, condition is the expression that you want to test. If the condition is true, then the statement/s inside the block will be executed. If the condition is false, then the statements inside the ELSE block will be executed.

You can also use multiple ELSEIF blocks to check additional conditions.


Here is an example of using the IF statement in PL/SQL to check if a number is positive or negative:

   num NUMBER(10) := -5;
   IF num > 0 THEN
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(num || ' is positive.');
   ELSEIF num < 0 THEN
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(num || ' is negative.');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(num || ' is zero.');
   END IF;


The output of the above example would be:

-5 is negative.


In the above example, we declare a variable num and initialize it to the value -5. We then use the IF statement to check if the number is positive or negative or zero. Since num is negative, the second statement inside the IF block is executed, which prints out num along with the string 'is negative' to the console.


The IF statement is useful in situations where you need to execute a block of code conditionally based on certain criteria. For example, you may want to execute one block of code if a certain condition is true, and another block of code if the condition is false.

Important Points

  • The IF statement is a control statement in PL/SQL that allows you to execute a block of code conditionally.
  • It can be used with multiple ELSEIF blocks to check additional conditions.
  • The condition must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • You can nest IF statements within one another to create more complex conditions.


In summary, the IF statement in PL/SQL is a useful control statement that allows you to execute a block of code conditionally based on a certain condition. It can be used with multiple ELSEIF blocks to check additional conditions. The condition must be enclosed in parentheses and you can nest IF statements for more complex conditions.

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