  1. nodejs-punycode

Node.js Punycode

Punycode is a Unicode encoding scheme used to represent internationalized domain names (IDNs) in ASCII characters. Node.js provides a built-in module called "punycode" that allows you to encode and decode IDNs using the Punycode algorithm. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to use the punycode module in Node.js.


The basic syntax for using the punycode module is as follows:

const punycode = require('punycode');

This will import the punycode module into your code, which you can then use to encode and decode IDNs.


Let's say we want to encode the IDN "日本語.com" to ASCII using Punycode. Here's how we can implement it:

const punycode = require('punycode');

let encoded = punycode.encode('日本語.com');
console.log(encoded); // Output:

Now, we can decode the encoded IDN back to its original Unicode representation:

let decoded = punycode.decode('');
console.log(decoded); // Output: 日本語.com


When we run the example code above, the output will be:

This is because we encoded the IDN "日本語.com" to ASCII using the punycode.encode() method, which returned the encoded string "". We then decoded it back to its original Unicode representation using the punycode.decode() method, which returned the decoded string "日本語.com".


In the example above, we used the punycode module to encode the IDN "日本語.com" to ASCII using the punycode.encode() method. We then decoded the encoded string back to its original Unicode representation using the punycode.decode() method.


The punycode module in Node.js is useful for encoding and decoding IDNs that contain non-ASCII characters. It allows you to represent these characters using ASCII characters, making it easier to use them in URLs and other applications that may not support Unicode characters.

Important Points

  • The punycode module in Node.js uses the Punycode algorithm to encode and decode IDNs.
  • The punycode.encode() method encodes a Unicode string to Punycode.
  • The punycode.decode() method decodes a Punycode string to Unicode.
  • When decoding a Punycode string, make sure to prefix it with "xn--" so the module knows it needs to decode it.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to use the punycode module in Node.js to encode and decode IDNs using the Punycode algorithm. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of the punycode module in Node.js. With this knowledge, you can now use punycode in your Node.js applications to work with IDNs that contain non-ASCII characters.

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