  1. nodejs-create-database

Node.js Create Database

In Node.js, you can use various databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL to store and manage data. Before you can store data, you need to create a database. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to create a database in Node.js using MySQL as an example.


The syntax for creating a database in Node.js using MySQL is as follows:

var mysql = require('mysql');

var con = mysql.createConnection({
  host: "localhost",
  user: "yourusername",
  password: "yourpassword"

con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  con.query("CREATE DATABASE mydb", function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Database created");


Let's say we want to create a MySQL database called "mydb". We can use the following Node.js code:

var mysql = require('mysql');

var con = mysql.createConnection({
  host: "localhost",
  user: "root",
  password: "mypassword"

con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  con.query("CREATE DATABASE mydb", function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Database created");

This code will create a database called "mydb" when executed.


When we run the example code above, the output will be:

Database created

This is because the code connects to the MySQL server, creates a database called "mydb", and then prints "Connected!" and "Database created" to the console.


In the example above, we use the "mysql" module to connect to the MySQL server and create a database called "mydb". We first create a connection object using the "mysql.createConnection()" method and specify the hostname, username, and password for the MySQL server. Then, we connect to the server using the "connect()" method and create a database using the "con.query()" method.


Creating a database is the first step in using a database in Node.js. After creating a database, you can create tables, insert data, and perform other operations on the database.

Important Points

  • Always sanitize user inputs to prevent SQL injection attacks.
  • You need appropriate permissions to execute the "CREATE DATABASE" query.
  • Node.js supports various databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL among others.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to create a database in Node.js using MySQL as an example. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of creating a database in Node.js. With this knowledge, you can now create a database in Node.js and start storing data.

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