  1. linq-use-cases-for-anonymous-types

Use Cases for Anonymous Types in LINQ

Anonymous types in LINQ are an easy way to create a data type that holds related values without having to define a specific class for it. In this article, we'll explore some use cases for anonymous types in LINQ.


The syntax for creating an anonymous type in LINQ is as follows:

var anonymousType = new { Property1 = value1, Property2 = value2 };

Here, anonymousType is a reference to the new anonymous type instance created with the property values specified.


Let's see an example of how we can use anonymous types in LINQ to retrieve specific data fields from a collection of objects.

var students = new List<Student> {
    new Student {Id = 1, Name = "Alice", Age = 20},
    new Student {Id = 2, Name = "Bob", Age = 22},
    new Student {Id = 3, Name = "Charlie", Age = 25},

var result = from student in students
             select new { Name = student.Name, Age = student.Age };

foreach (var item in result)
    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {item.Name}, Age: {item.Age}");

In this example, we have a collection of Student objects and we want to retrieve only the name and age properties of each student. We use an anonymous type to create a new object that contains only Name and Age properties. The LINQ query then selects these properties for each Student object and returns a collection of anonymous objects. Finally, we iterate over this collection and print the Name and Age properties.


Name: Alice, Age: 20
Name: Bob, Age: 22
Name: Charlie, Age: 25


In the above example, we used anonymous types in LINQ to select specific properties from a collection of Student objects. The select clause in the LINQ query creates a new anonymous object for each Student object containing only the Name and Age properties.

Use Cases

Some common use cases for anonymous types in LINQ include:

  • Selecting specific properties from a collection of objects
  • Aggregating data using LINQ operators like GroupBy, OrderBy, and Join
  • Creating projections for complex data models to simplify code

Important Points

  • Anonymous types are read-only; once created, we cannot modify their properties.
  • The property names of an anonymous type are defined by the names assigned when it's defined.
  • Anonymous types do not have an equivalent type definition at compile time.


In this article, we explored some use cases for anonymous types in LINQ. We learned how to create anonymous types in LINQ, and how to use them to select specific properties from a collection of objects, aggregate data, and simplify complex data models. We also discussed some important points to keep in mind when using anonymous types in LINQ.

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