  1. linq-optimistic-concurrency

Optimistic Concurrency

Optimistic Concurrency is a technique used in LINQ (Language Integrated Query) to handle concurrent updates to the same data. It's a way of managing conflicts by allowing multiple transactions to access and modify the same data, but without locking the resource.


The syntax for performing optimistic concurrency in LINQ is as follows:

    // Retrieve the object from the database.
    var obj = db.MyTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

    // Perform the update.
    obj.ColumnName = "New Value";
catch (ChangeConflictException)
    // Handle the exception caused by concurrent changes.


Let's assume we have a table called "Products" with columns "Id" and "Name". We have two users, UserA and UserB, who both want to update the product name at the same time. UserA retrieves the product "P1", changes its name to "New Name A", and saves it to the database. While UserA is updating the product, UserB retrieves the same product "P1", changes its name to "New Name B", and saves it to the database. This will cause a concurrency conflict.

Here's how we can implement optimistic concurrency:

    var product = db.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == 1);

    // User A updates the product name.
    product.Name = "New Name A";

    // User B updates the same product name.
    product.Name = "New Name B";
catch (ChangeConflictException)
    // Handle the exception caused by concurrent changes.


In the above example, when UserB tries to update the product, an exception of type "ChangeConflictException" will be thrown due to the concurrent update by UserA.


In optimistic concurrency, we assume that there won't be any concurrent updates, and we allow multiple transactions to access and update the same data. When a transaction tries to update a row, it first retrieves the current version of the data. When the object is saved, LINQ checks to see if the object's current version matches the version in the database. If the versions don't match, it means that another transaction has updated the data in the meantime, and a concurrency conflict has occurred.

To handle concurrency conflicts, we can use exception handling to catch the "ChangeConflictException" thrown by LINQ and take appropriate action.


Optimistic concurrency is used when there is a high chance of concurrent updates to the same data. It's preferred over pessimistic concurrency because it allows multiple transactions to access the same data simultaneously, improving concurrency and performance. However, it requires proper exception handling to ensure that conflicts are resolved appropriately.

Important Points

  • Optimistic concurrency allows multiple transactions to update the same data simultaneously.
  • If two transactions try to update the same data simultaneously, a concurrency conflict will occur.
  • LINQ throws the "ChangeConflictException" when a concurrency conflict occurs.
  • Exception handling is used to handle concurrency conflicts.


Optimistic concurrency is a technique used in LINQ to handle concurrent updates to the same data. It assumes that there won't be any concurrent updates and allows multiple transactions to access the same data simultaneously. However, when a concurrency conflict occurs, it's important to handle it appropriately using exception handling.

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