  1. kotlin-xmlpullparser

Kotlin XMLPullParser

XmlPullParser is a platform-independent pull parser library that allows us to parse XML documents in a sequential and efficient manner. Kotlin provides an easy-to-use API for working with XmlPullParser. In this tutorial, we'll explore the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of XmlPullParser in Kotlin.


The basic syntax for using XmlPullParser in Kotlin is as follows:

val factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance()
factory.isNamespaceAware = true
val parser = factory.newPullParser()
parser.setInput(inputStream, null)

var eventType = parser.eventType

while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
   when (eventType) {
      XmlPullParser.START_TAG -> {
         // handle start tag
      XmlPullParser.TEXT -> {
         // handle text
      XmlPullParser.END_TAG -> {
         // handle end tag

   eventType = parser.next()         


Consider the following XML document:

   <title>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone</title>
   <author>J.K. Rowling</author>

To parse this document using XmlPullParser in Kotlin, we can use the following code:

val factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance()
factory.isNamespaceAware = true
val parser = factory.newPullParser()
parser.setInput(StringReader("<book><title>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone</title><author>J.K. Rowling</author><price>19.99</price></book>"))

var eventType = parser.eventType

while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
   when (eventType) {
      XmlPullParser.START_TAG -> {
         println("Start tag: ${parser.name}")
      XmlPullParser.TEXT -> {
         println("Text: ${parser.text}")
      XmlPullParser.END_TAG -> {
         println("End tag: ${parser.name}")

   eventType = parser.next()         

This code will output the following:

Start tag: book
Start tag: title
Text: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
End tag: title
Start tag: author
Text: J.K. Rowling
End tag: author
Start tag: price
Text: 19.99
End tag: price
End tag: book


The XmlPullParser library allows us to parse XML documents and retrieve information such as start tags, text, and end tags. The output of parsing depends on the structure and content of the XML document being parsed.


XmlPullParser provides a simple and efficient API for parsing XML documents. The library works by sequentially reading the XML document and calling event handlers whenever it encounters a start tag, text, or end tag.

To use XmlPullParser in Kotlin, we first need to create an instance of XmlPullParserFactory and set it to be namespace-aware. We can then create a new instance of XmlPullParser and specify the input source for the parser.

We can then use a while loop to read the XML document and call event handlers based on the type of event encountered. The next() method is used to move to the next event in the document.


XmlPullParser can be used in Kotlin for parsing XML documents, such as those used in web services and data exchange formats. This library is useful for developers who need to work with XML documents in a platform-independent manner.

Important Points

  • Make sure to set the input source for the XmlPullParser instance before parsing the document.
  • Be aware of the different types of events that can be encountered when parsing an XML document.
  • Use event handlers to retrieve information from the XML document.


In this tutorial, we discussed the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of using XmlPullParser in Kotlin. We learned how to parse an XML document and handle different types of events encountered during parsing. With this knowledge, you can now use XmlPullParser to parse XML documents in your Kotlin projects.

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