  1. kotlin-type-conversion

Kotlin Type Conversion

In programming, type conversion refers to the process of changing one data type to another. Kotlin supports different types of data types such as Int, Double, String, Boolean, etc., and it's essential to understand the type conversion process in Kotlin.


Type conversion is essential for different scenarios such as performing arithmetic operations, working with API responses, working with databases, and other scenarios. In Kotlin, there are two types of type conversion:

  • Implicit conversion: In implicit conversion, the Kotlin compiler automatically converts one data type to another data type in a safe and compatible way. For example, converting an Integer to a Long or a Long to a Double.

  • Explicit conversion: In explicit conversion, the developer needs to manually specify the data type to which the value needs to be converted. Explicit conversion can be done through different conversion functions provided by Kotlin.


Implicit Conversion Explicit Conversion
Done automatically by the Kotlin compiler Has to be done manually by the developer
Safe and compatible type conversion Can be unsafe if data types are incompatible
No chance of data loss Risk of data loss
Can be used for most data types Limited to specific data types and requires specific conversion functions


Type conversion is an essential concept in programming, and Kotlin provides developers with two types of type conversion to choose from based on the specific requirements of their project. Implicit conversion is safe and compatible but limited to specific data types, while explicit conversion can lead to potential data loss but allows more flexibility and options in terms of data type conversion. It's essential to understand the difference between implicit and explicit conversion in Kotlin and choose the appropriate conversion method depending on the project's needs.

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