  1. html-tbody-tag

HTML <tbody> Tag

  • The HTML <tbody> element is used to group several rows into a table body.
  • It is used in conjunction with the <table> element to define the structure of an HTML table.


The basic syntax of the HTML <tbody> tag is as follows:

    <!-- rows and columns go here -->


Here's an example of how to use the <tbody> tag in HTML:

      <td>John Doe</td>
      <td>Jane Smith</td>
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The <tbody> tag is used to group one or more rows of a table into a logical unit. By default, a <table> element includes at least one <tbody> element, even if none appear in the markup.

Using <tbody> tags is not strictly necessary for functioning tables, but it is recommended for reasons of semantics, clarity, and maintainability.


The <tbody> tag is primarily used to group rows in an HTML table. It is used to create a logical grouping of rows within a table, which can then be processed as a unit by scripts or plugins.

Important Points

  • The <tbody> tag is used to group rows of a table together into a logical unit.
  • The <tbody> tag is optional, but it is recommended for the sake of clarity and semantics.
  • The <tbody> tag is used in conjunction with the <table> and other related tags to create structured tables in HTML.
  • The <tbody> tag supports various attributes such as id and class that can be used for styling or scripting purposes.


The <tbody> tag is a useful element in HTML for structuring tabular data for enhanced clarity and maintainability. It allows for grouping of rows into logical units, which can then be processed as a single unit by scripts or plugins.

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