  1. html-ol-tag

HTML <ol> Tag

  • The HTML <ol> tag is used to create ordered lists in HTML.
  • An ordered list is a list of items that are numbered.
  • The <ol> tag is used to define the beginning and end of an ordered list.


The syntax for the HTML <ol> tag is as follows:

  • The <ol tag defines the beginning of the ordered list.
  • The <li> tag defines the items in the list.


Here is an example of an ordered list in HTML using the <ol> tag:

  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item</li>
  <li>Third item</li>
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The output of the example HTML code will be an ordered list with numbered items as follows:


The HTML <ol> tag is used to create ordered lists in HTML. An ordered list is a list of items that are numbered. The <li> tag is used to define the items in the list. Each item in the list should be enclosed in the <li> tag, and the beginning and end of the list should be enclosed in the <ol> tags.


The HTML <ol> tag is used to create ordered lists in HTML. Ordered lists are useful for displaying items in a logical sequence, such as steps in a process, a list of ingredients, or a list of products with prices.

Important Points

  • The ordered list is automatically numbered by the browser.
  • You can add attributes to the <ol> tag to control the numbering style, such as "start", "type", and "reversed".
  • The <ol> tag can be nested inside other list elements such as <ul> and <li> tags.


The HTML <ol> tag is used to create ordered lists in HTML. It is a useful element for displaying items in a logical sequence, such as steps in a process or a list of products with prices. The <ol> tag is typically used in combination with the <li> tag to define the items in the list, and attributes can be added to control the numbering style.

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