  1. flutter-switch

Flutter Switch

A switch is a graphical control element that allows users to turn a setting on or off. In Flutter, a switch is implemented as a widget that can be customized to fit the design of the application. Switches can be used to control various settings, such as turning a feature on or off or toggling the app between dark and light mode.


The syntax for using a switch widget in Flutter is as follows:

  value: true/false,
  onChanged: (value){
    // Do something with the value


Here is an example of a switch widget that can be used to turn a setting on or off:

bool _switchValue = false;

  value: _switchValue,
  onChanged: (value) {
    setState(() {
      _switchValue = value;

In this example, we are using a Switch widget that is bound to a boolean _switchValue. When the user toggles the switch, the _switchValue is updated using the setState function, which triggers a redraw of the widget.


The output of the above example is a switch widget that can be toggled on or off by the user. When the switch is toggled, the _switchValue boolean is updated and can be used to control the behavior of the application.


Flutter’s Switch widget is a two-state toggle switch—it can be on or off. The value parameter is used to set the initial value of the switch, and the onChanged parameter is used to specify a function that will be called when the switch is tapped by the user. This function takes a boolean value as an argument, which reflects the new state of the switch. When the switch’s value changes, the setState function is called to update the UI.


Switch widgets can be used to control many settings or behaviors in a Flutter application, such as:

  • Enabling or disabling features
  • Turning dark mode on and off
  • Switching between two or more modes or states

Switches can be customized by specifying the activeColor, inactiveColor, activeTrackColor, inactiveTrackColor, and thumbColor parameters.

Important Points

  • A switch widget is a two-state toggle switch that can be used to control various settings in a Flutter application.
  • When the state of the switch changes, the onChanged function is called with the new value of the switch.
  • Switches can be customized with different colors and styles to fit the design of the application.


Switch widgets are a useful tool for controlling various settings or behaviors in a Flutter application. They can be customized to fit the design of the application and can be used to switch between different modes or states. When the switch is toggled, the onChanged function is called to update the state of the application. With the ability to customize colors and styling, switch widgets can be used to create a variety of different user interfaces in Flutter.

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