  1. flutter-scrolling

Flutter Scrolling

In Flutter, scrolling is an important feature for building rich and interactive user interfaces. With Flutter scrolling widgets, developers can create lists, grids, and other scrollable content that can be viewed in a variety of ways. In this page, we will explore how to use Flutter scrolling widgets.


There is no specific syntax associated with Flutter scrolling widgets. Each widget has its own set of properties and methods.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Scrolling Example'),
      body: ListView.builder(
        itemCount: 50,
        itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
          return ListTile(
            title: Text('Item $index'),
            subtitle: Text('This is item $index'),

In this example, we are using the ListView.builder() widget to display a scrollable list of 50 items. Each item is contained within a ListTile widget that displays the index number and a subtitle.


The output of this example is a scrollable list of items that can be scrolled vertically. The screen displays a total of 50 items, with a scrollbar appearing on the right side of the screen when the list is longer than the viewport.


The ListView.builder() widget is a powerful Flutter scrolling widget that can be used to display lists of dynamic content. It creates items on demand, which makes it performant for large data sets. In this example, we have used it to display a list of 50 items, each contained within a ListTile widget.


Flutter scrolling widgets can be used to display a variety of content, including lists, grids, and other scrollable content. Some commonly used scrolling widgets in Flutter include:

  • SingleChildScrollView: scrolls a single child widget vertically or horizontally
  • ListView: displays a scrollable list of widgets
  • GridView: displays a scrollable grid of widgets

Important Points

  • Flutter scrolling widgets are performant and allow for smooth scrolling on both iOS and Android platforms
  • Use ListView.builder() for large datasets as it creates items on demand for better performance
  • When building complex scrolling widgets, consider using the CustomScrollView widget


Flutter scrolling widgets are a powerful and flexible way to create scrollable content in Flutter applications. With widgets like ListView, GridView, and SingleChildScrollView, developers can create scrollable lists, grids, and other content that provides a great user experience across both iOS and Android platforms. When building complex scrolling widgets, consider using the CustomScrollView widget.

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