  1. entity-framework-working-with-different-providers

Working with Different Providers - (EF Providers and Connections)

Entity Framework (EF) is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET developers. It supports working with different database providers, each with their own unique features and characteristics. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to work with different EF providers and connections.


There is no specific syntax for working with different EF providers and connections.


Suppose you're building an ASP.NET Core application and want to use different EF providers for different databases. You can define multiple database contexts by creating separate classes that inherit from the DbContext class, and passing in the appropriate DbContextOptions for each provider.

Here's an example of two classes that inherit from DbContext, each using a different EF provider:

public class SqlServerDbContext : DbContext
    public SqlServerDbContext(DbContextOptions<SqlServerDbContext> options) : base(options)
    public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public class MySqlDbContext : DbContext
    public MySqlDbContext(DbContextOptions<MySqlDbContext> options) : base(options)
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

In this example, we have two contexts, one using SQL Server as a provider, and another using MySQL as a provider.


Working with different EF providers allows you to take advantage of the unique features and characteristics of each provider. By creating separate classes for each provider, you can pass in the appropriate DbContextOptions for each provider, which contain the necessary configuration for the database and provider.


Working with different EF providers is useful when you need to support multiple databases with different EF providers, or when you want to take advantage of the unique features of a specific provider.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with different EF providers:

  • To use a different EF provider, you need to create a separate context class that inherits from DbContext.
  • Each context should have its own DbContextOptions containing the appropriate configuration for the database and provider.
  • Some EF providers may require additional configuration, such as installing provider-specific NuGet packages.


In this tutorial, we discussed working with different EF providers and connections. We covered syntax, examples, explanation, use, and important points of working with different EF providers. With this knowledge, you can extend your application's database support to multiple EF providers and take advantage of the unique features of each provider.

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