  1. entity-framework-batch-processing

Batch Processing - (EF Performance Optimization)

Entity Framework (EF) is a popular object-relational mapping (ORM) tool that provides a powerful and flexible way to work with databases. However, when working with large datasets, performance can become an issue. One way to optimize performance in EF is through batch processing. In this tutorial, we'll discuss what batch processing is and how to implement it in EF.


There is no specific syntax for batch processing in EF.


Consider the following code that retrieves a list of customers and their orders from a database using EF:

using (var context = new MyDbContext())
    var customers = context.Customers.ToList();
    foreach (var customer in customers)
        var orders = context.Orders.Where(o => o.CustomerId == customer.Id).ToList();
        foreach (var order in orders)
            // process order

This code retrieves a list of customers from the Customers table, then loops through each customer and retrieves their orders from the Orders table. This can be slow for large datasets because it results in a large number of database round-trips.

With batch processing, we can retrieve all of the orders for all customers in a single query:

using (var context = new MyDbContext())
    var customers = context.Customers.ToList();
    var customerIds = customers.Select(c => c.Id);

    var orders = context.Orders.Where(o => customerIds.Contains(o.CustomerId)).ToList();

    foreach (var customer in customers)
        var customerOrders = orders.Where(o => o.CustomerId == customer.Id);
        foreach (var order in customerOrders)
            // process order

This code retrieves a list of customers from the Customers table and their corresponding order ids. We then retrieve all of the orders for those customer ids in a single query. The result is a much smaller number of round-trips to the database.


Batch processing in EF allows you to retrieve multiple records in a single query, helping to reduce the number of round-trips to the database. By minimizing the number of round-trips, you can improve performance when working with large datasets.


Batch processing is useful when working with large datasets where minimizing the number of round-trips to the database is critical to performance.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with batch processing in EF:

  • Batch processing can help improve performance when working with large datasets.
  • Be careful not to retrieve too much data at once, as this can impact performance negatively.
  • If you need to perform additional filtering or sorting on the data, you may need to retrieve more data than necessary in order to perform these operations.


In this tutorial, we discussed batch processing in EF, which allows you to retrieve multiple records in a single query. We covered syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of working with batch processing in EF. By using batch processing, you can improve performance when working with large datasets in EF.

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