  1. dynamo-db-using-streams-for-real-time-data-processing

Using Streams for Real-Time Data Processing - Amazon DynamoDB Streams


To enable a stream on a DynamoDB table, you can use the following code:

aws dynamodb update-table --table-name YOUR_TABLE_NAME --stream-specification StreamEnabled=true,StreamViewType=NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES

Once the stream is enabled, you can start listening to the stream using an AWS Lambda function or create an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application to process the data in real-time.


Let's say we have a DynamoDB table called "Orders" that contains data about orders placed by customers. We want to process this data in real-time and send notifications to our support team whenever a new order is placed. To do this, we would enable a stream on the "Orders" table and create an AWS Lambda function that listens to the stream and sends notifications.

Here's an example Lambda function that retrieves the details of a new order and sends a notification:

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  // Retrieve the details of the new order
  const order = event.Records[0].dynamodb.NewImage;

  // Send a notification with the order details to our support team
  const message = `New order placed:\nOrder ID: ${order.OrderId}\nCustomer Name: ${order.CustomerName}\nTotal Amount: ${order.TotalAmount}`
  await sendNotification(message);

  // Return a success message
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: 'Notification sent successfully!'

async function sendNotification(message) {
  // Code to send notification goes here


When a new order is placed in the "Orders" table, the Lambda function will be triggered and a notification will be sent to our support team with the details of the order. The output of the Lambda function will be a success message.


DynamoDB Streams is a feature that allows you to capture changes to a DynamoDB table and stream them to other AWS services in real-time. This makes it easy to build real-time data processing applications that react to changes in your DynamoDB data.

To use DynamoDB Streams, you first need to enable a stream on your DynamoDB table. Once the stream is enabled, you can choose to receive either the new or old image of an item, or both. You can then use an AWS Lambda function or an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application to process the data in real-time.


DynamoDB Streams is useful in a variety of real-time data processing scenarios, such as:

  • Building real-time analytics dashboards: You can capture changes to your DynamoDB data and feed them into a real-time analytics tool to create dashboards that give you insights into your data in real-time.

  • Sending real-time notifications: You can capture changes to your DynamoDB data and use them to trigger notifications to your team or customers in real-time.

  • Building event-driven architectures: You can capture changes to your DynamoDB data and use them to trigger other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda functions or Amazon Kinesis Data Streams applications, to build event-driven architectures.

Important Points

  • DynamoDB Streams is a feature that allows you to capture changes to a DynamoDB table and stream them to other AWS services in real-time.

  • To use DynamoDB Streams, you first need to enable a stream on your DynamoDB table. Once the stream is enabled, you can choose to receive either the new or old image of an item, or both.

  • You can use an AWS Lambda function or an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams application to process the data in real-time.

  • DynamoDB Streams is useful in a variety of real-time data processing scenarios, such as building real-time analytics dashboards, sending real-time notifications, and building event-driven architectures.


DynamoDB Streams is a powerful feature that allows you to capture changes to a DynamoDB table and stream them to other AWS services in real-time. By using DynamoDB Streams, you can build real-time data processing applications that react to changes in your DynamoDB data and provide real-time insights into your data.

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