  1. dynamo-db-attributes

Attributes - DynamoDB Data Model


In DynamoDB, attributes are defined by their name and data type.

    "attribute_name": {"data_type": value}

Supported data types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Binary
  • Boolean
  • Null
  • List
  • Map
  • Set


    "user_id": {"S": "123456"},
    "username": {"S": "john_doe"},
    "age": {"N": "25"},
    "is_active": {"BOOL": true},
    "address": {"M": {"city": {"S": "New York"}, "state": {"S": "NY"}}},
    "tags": {"L": [{"S": "tag1"}, {"S": "tag2"}]}


The above example defines attributes for a user, including their ID, name, age, whether they are active, their address, and any associated tags. The output of the attributes will be in the same format as the input.


Attributes are the fundamental data elements in a DynamoDB table. Each item in a table can have multiple attributes, and each attribute has a name and a data type.

The attributes are defined by a name and data type combination. The data types supported by DynamoDB include String, Number, Binary, Boolean, Null, List, Map, and Set.


Attributes are used to describe the data elements associated with an item in a DynamoDB table. They provide a flexible and scalable way to store and retrieve data. You can use attributes to differentiate and filter items, enable efficient queries, and support various use cases.

You can also create indexes on attributes to optimize query performance.

Important Points:

  • Attributes are the fundamental data elements in DynamoDB.
  • Each attribute has a name and a data type.
  • DynamoDB supports various data types, including String, Number, Binary, List, Map, and Set.
  • Attributes provide a flexible way to store and retrieve data.
  • You can create indexes on attributes to optimize query performance.


Attributes are the fundamental building blocks of data in a DynamoDB table. They are defined by their name and data type and provide a flexible and scalable way to store and retrieve data. DynamoDB supports various data types, and you can create indexes on attributes to optimize query performance. Attributes are used to differentiate and filter items, enable efficient queries, and support various use cases.

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