  1. cosmos-db-cosmos-dbconfiguration

Cosmos DB Configuration

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, fully managed NoSQL database service. It provides fast and predictable performance with global distribution and transparent multi-master replication.


The syntax for configuring a Cosmos DB account is as follows:

az cosmosdb create --name <name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --kind <kind> --default-consistency-level <default-consistency-level> --locations <locations>


az cosmosdb create --name my-cosmos-account --resource-group my-resource-group --kind globalDocumentDB --default-consistency-level Eventual --locations "East US=0" "West US=1"


The output from the create command will provide details about the newly created Cosmos DB account, including the resource ID, name, and location.


The az cosmosdb create command is used to create a new Cosmos DB account. The --name parameter is used to specify the name of the new account, while the --resource-group parameter is used to specify the name of the resource group to which the account should be added.

The --kind parameter is used to specify the type of Cosmos DB account to create. The --default-consistency-level parameter is used to specify the default consistency level for the new account.

The --locations parameter is used to specify the number and location of regions in which the Cosmos DB account should be deployed. For each region, you specify a region name and a priority. The first region listed is considered the primary region.


You can use the az cosmosdb create command to create a new Cosmos DB account in Azure. This can be useful if you need a globally distributed, fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance.

Important Points

  • Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, fully managed NoSQL database service.
  • az cosmosdb create is the command used to create a new Cosmos DB account.
  • The --name parameter is used to specify the name of the new account.
  • The --resource-group parameter is used to specify the name of the resource group to which the account should be added.
  • The --kind parameter is used to specify the type of Cosmos DB account to create.
  • The --locations parameter is used to specify the number and location of regions in which the Cosmos DB account should be deployed.


Azure Cosmos DB is a powerful NoSQL database service that can provide fast and predictable performance with global distribution and transparent multi-master replication. Using the az cosmosdb create command, you can quickly and easily create a new Cosmos DB account and start taking advantage of its many features.

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