  1. cosmos-db-column-family

Column-family (CosmosDB Data Models)


In CosmosDB, a column-family is the implementation of the column-family data model which is based on the concept of a column-family or column-family-group. The syntax for using column-family is as follows:

  "familyName": {
    "columnName1": "columnValue1",
    "columnName2": "columnValue2",


Let's consider a simple example of a column-family storing data related to a user. We can create a column-family with the name 'user' and have the following columns: 'name', 'email', and 'phone'.

  "user": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "1234567890"


The output of the above example would be a column-family with the name 'user' containing three columns: name, email, and phone. The values in each column will correspond to the respective values provided in the JSON.


A column-family is a collection of related columns that are stored and retrieved together. In the example above, we created a column-family 'user' that contains the columns 'name', 'email', and 'phone' with their corresponding values.

A column-family is also known as a column-family-group, column-family-based or column-oriented data model. It is commonly used in NoSQL databases to store large amounts of semi-structured or unstructured data.


Column-family is an efficient way to store and retrieve large amounts of data in a NoSQL database. It is commonly used in use cases where the data is unstructured or semi-structured.

Important Points

  • Column family is a data model used in NoSQL databases.
  • It is based on the concept of a column-family or column-family-group.
  • A column family contains related columns that are stored and retrieved together.
  • Column-family is an efficient way to store and retrieve large amounts of semi-structured or unstructured data.


Column-family is a data model used in NoSQL databases. It is based on the concept of a column-family or column-family-group and contains related columns that are stored and retrieved together. Column-family is an efficient way to store and retrieve large amounts of semi-structured or unstructured data and is commonly used in NoSQL databases.

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