  1. bootstrap-introduction

Introduction to Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a front-end development framework that provides pre-built CSS and JavaScript components, tools, and templates for creating responsive and mobile-first websites and applications.


To use Bootstrap, you need to include Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML file by using the following code in the head section:

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <script src=""></script>


Here is an example of how to create a simple Bootstrap button.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>

    <h1>Hello, Bootstrap!</h1>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Click me</button>
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In the code above, we used the Bootstrap classes btn and btn-primary to create the button. btn is a general class for creating buttons, and btn-primary sets the color of the button to blue.


Bootstrap can be used in various ways, such as creating navigation bars, forms, modals, and dropdowns. It also provides pre-built templates and themes that can be customized to fit your design requirements.

Bootstrap is highly popular among web developers, and it has a vast community and documentation, making it easy to learn and implement.

Important Points

  • Bootstrap is a front-end development framework that provides pre-built components, tools, and templates for creating responsive and mobile-first websites.
  • Bootstrap is easy to use and has a vast community and documentation, making it easy to learn and implement.
  • You need to include Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML file to use it.


Bootstrap is a popular front-end development framework that simplifies the process of creating responsive and mobile-first websites. By using Bootstrap, developers can save time while creating beautiful and functional websites effortlessly.

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