  1. bootstrap-flex

Bootstrap Flex

Bootstrap Flex is a powerful layout system that helps developers to create flexible and responsive layouts for their websites. It allows you to arrange and align HTML elements in a flexible grid system.


The syntax for using the Bootstrap Flex layout system is as follows:

<div class="d-flex">
    <div class="flex-fill">...</div>

In the code above, d-flex is a class that makes the parent element (the <div> element in this case) a flex container. flex-fill is a class that will fill the available space of the parent element.


Here's an example of how to use Bootstrap Flex to align two elements horizontally.

<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
    <div>Left Element</div>
    <div>Right Element</div>
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In the code above, justify-content-between is a class that aligns the child elements evenly with the maximum amount of space between the elements.


In the code above, d-flex creates a flex container, while justify-content-between sets the alignment of the flex items. The justify-content-between property is used to distribute the elements evenly with a maximum amount of space between them.


You can use the Bootstrap Flex layout system to create a wide range of layouts for your website. It allows you to align elements both vertically and horizontally and create responsive layouts that adjust to different screen sizes.

Important Points

  • Bootstrap Flex is a powerful layout system that makes it easy to create flexible and responsive layouts for your website.
  • You can use the d-flex class to make a parent element a flex container.
  • The justify-content-* classes can be used to set the alignment of the elements inside the flex container.
  • The flex-* classes can be used to set the size of the child elements.


Bootstrap Flex is a powerful layout system that provides a flexible and easy-to-use way to create responsive layouts for your website. By using Bootstrap Flex, you can create complex layouts and easily align elements horizontally and vertically.

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