  1. alibaba-cloud-elastic-block-storage-ebs

Alibaba Cloud Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

Alibaba Cloud Elastic Block Storage (EBS) is a block-level storage solution that can be used with Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, as well as with Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK). EBS provides high-performance, durable, and reliable storage for your cloud applications.

Steps or Explanation

To use Alibaba Cloud EBS, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Create a volume: The first step to using EBS is to create a volume. You can create an EBS volume through the Alibaba Cloud console or using the Alibaba Cloud API.
  2. Attach the volume: After you have created a volume, you need to attach it to an ECS instance or an ACK pod. You can attach a volume through the Alibaba Cloud console or by using APIs.
  3. Format and mount the volume: Once you have attached the EBS volume, you need to format it with a file system and then mount it to the file system of your operating system.

Examples and Use Cases

Some examples and use cases of Alibaba Cloud EBS are:

  • Database storage: You can use EBS to store data for your databases. EBS provides high-performance storage that is perfect for database workloads.
  • File storage: You can use EBS to store files for your applications. EBS is durable and reliable, which makes it suitable for storing important files.
  • Big data storage: Alibaba Cloud EBS can be used to store large amounts of data for your big data analytics workloads.

Important Points

Some important points to note about Alibaba Cloud EBS are:

  • EBS volumes can be attached to only one ECS instance or ACK pod at a time.
  • EBS volumes can be used with both Windows and Linux-based operating systems.
  • You can take snapshots of your EBS volumes for backup and disaster recovery purposes.


Alibaba Cloud Elastic Block Storage (EBS) is an excellent storage solution for your cloud workloads. With high-performance, durability, and reliability, EBS is an essential component of any cloud-based IT infrastructure. Use EBS to store your databases, files, and big data workloads with ease.

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