  1. alibaba-cloud-auto-scaling

Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling

Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling is a service that allows you to automatically adjust the computing resources of your cloud servers according to your business requirements and policies. It helps optimize resource utilization, increase application availability, and improve fault tolerance.

Steps or Explanation

To create an auto scaling group in Alibaba Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Alibaba Cloud console.
  2. Select "Elastic Compute Service" from the list of services.
  3. Click on the "Auto Scaling" option in the left-hand navigation menu.
  4. Click on "Create Scaling Group."
  5. Enter the details of your scaling group, including a name, region, instance type, and other configurations.
  6. Set scaling rules and notifications based on your business needs and policies.
  7. Review and confirm your settings and click "Create" to create your auto scaling group.

Examples and Use Cases

Some common examples and use cases for Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling include:

  • Automatically scaling up the number of servers during peak hours to handle increased traffic or user demand.
  • Automatically scaling down the number of servers during off-peak hours to save costs.
  • Automatically scaling up or down based on CPU or memory usage to ensure optimal resource utilization.

Important Points

  • Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling supports a wide range of instance types, including general-purpose, compute-optimized, memory-optimized, and other types.
  • Auto Scaling can be used with other Alibaba Cloud services, such as Load Balancer and Server Load Balancer, to improve application availability and fault tolerance.
  • Auto Scaling can be managed through the Alibaba Cloud console, SDK, or API.


Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling is a powerful service that allows you to automatically adjust your cloud server resources according to your business needs and policies. With Auto Scaling, you can improve resource utilization, increase application availability, and optimize costs.

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