  1. xampp-directory-structure

Directory Structure in XAMPP Best Practices

Creating a proper directory structure in XAMPP is an important step in creating a web application. It helps to organize files and allows for easier maintenance and updates. In this tutorial, we will go over the best practices for creating a directory structure in XAMPP.


There is no specific syntax for creating a directory structure in XAMPP. It is up to the developer to decide on the structure that best suits their needs.


Consider the following example of a directory structure for a web application:

├── application
│   ├── controllers
│   ├── models
│   └── views
├── assets
│   ├── css
│   ├── js
│   └── images
├── system
│   ├── core
│   └── libraries
└── index.php

In this example, the application directory contains the MVC components of the application - controllers, models, and views. The assets directory contains static assets like CSS, JS, and images. The system directory contains the core system files along with any custom libraries or helpers. The index.php file is the entry point for the application.


In the example above, the directory structure is organized based on the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. The application files are separated by their functionality and purpose. The assets directory contains static files that are not directly related to application logic. The system directory contains core system files and any custom libraries or helpers. Separating the core system files from the custom components makes it easier to upgrade the system without affecting the custom components.


A proper directory structure is essential in creating a maintainable and scalable web application. It helps to organize files and makes it easier to locate and update them. It also makes it easier for other developers to understand the application structure and how it works.

Important Points

  • Directory structure should be organized based on the functionality and purpose of the files.
  • Separating the core system files from custom components makes it easier to upgrade the system without affecting custom code.
  • Organizing static files separately from the application files reduces confusion and makes it easier to update.


Creating a proper directory structure in XAMPP is an important step in creating a maintainable and scalable web application. The structure should be organized based on the functionality and purpose of the files. Separating the core system files from custom components makes it easier to upgrade the system without affecting custom code. Organizing static files separately from the application files reduces confusion and makes it easier to update.

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