  1. wcf-message-exchange

Message Exchange - (WCF)

Message exchange is the core of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). It involves the exchange of messages between endpoints, which can be either services or clients. WCF supports several message exchange patterns, including request/response, one-way, and duplex.


When designing a message exchange in WCF, you will need to define the following elements:

  • Message contract: Defines the structure of the messages that will be exchanged.
  • Data contract: Defines the structure of the data that will be serialized and deserialized as a part of the message.
  • Service contract: Defines the operations that are part of the service contract.
  • Bindings: Specifies the transport protocol, encoding, and other communication settings for the message exchange.
  • Endpoints: Specifies the address, binding, and contract of a service or client.

Here's an example of defining a message contract in code:

public class MyMessage
    [MessageBodyMember(Order = 1)]
    public int MyInt { get; set; }

    [MessageBodyMember(Order = 2)]
    public string MyString { get; set; }


Here's an example of how to implement a request/response message exchange pattern in WCF in C#:

// Define the service contract
public interface IMyService
    MyMessage DoSomething(MyMessage input);

// Define the message contract
public class MyMessage
    [MessageBodyMember(Order = 1)]
    public int MyInt { get; set; }

    [MessageBodyMember(Order = 2)]
    public string MyString { get; set; }

// Implement the service contract
public class MyService : IMyService
    public MyMessage DoSomething(MyMessage input)
        // Process the input
        var output = new MyMessage
            MyInt = input.MyInt * 2,
            MyString = input.MyString.ToUpper()

        // Return the output
        return output;


When you call the DoSomething method of the MyService service, passing in a MyMessage object as input, you will receive a MyMessage object as output. The MyMessage object will have its MyInt property doubled, and its MyString property converted to uppercase.


In the example code, we define an interface IMyService that specifies the DoSomething operation, which takes a MyMessage object as input and returns a MyMessage object as output. We then define the MyMessage message contract, which includes two members of the MessageBodyMember attribute – MyInt and MyString. Finally, we implement the DoSomething method in the MyService class, which takes a MyMessage object as input, processes it, and returns a MyMessage object as output.


Message exchange patterns are the core of WCF, allowing you to define the structure and behavior of messages exchanged between endpoints. You can use WCF to implement a wide variety of message exchange patterns, including request/response, one-way, and duplex, depending on the needs of your application.

Important Points

  • Message exchange is the core of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
  • WCF supports several message exchange patterns, including request/response, one-way, and duplex.
  • When designing a message exchange in WCF, you will need to define the message contract, data contract, service contract, bindings, and endpoints.
  • By defining message contracts and service contracts, you can map the operations of your application to messaging patterns.
  • You can use WCF to implement a wide variety of message exchange patterns, depending on the needs of your application.


In this page, we discussed message exchange in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of creating a simple request/response message exchange pattern. WCF provides a flexible and powerful mechanism for defining message exchange patterns, allowing you to exchange messages between endpoints in a wide variety of ways depending on your application's needs.

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