  1. sql-server-is-null-operator

SQL Server IS NULL Operator

The IS NULL operator in SQL Server is used to filter the result set and retrieve rows where a specified column contains a NULL value. It is often used in the WHERE clause to identify records with missing or unknown data. This guide will cover the syntax, examples, output, explanations, use cases, important points, and a summary of using the IS NULL operator in SQL Server.


SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NULL;


Consider a table named employees with a column named date_of_birth. We want to retrieve employee records where the date of birth is not specified (i.e., NULL).

SELECT employee_id, employee_name
FROM employees
WHERE date_of_birth IS NULL;


The output will display the details of employees whose date of birth is NULL.

| employee_id | employee_name |
| 101         | John           |
| 103         | Alice          |


  • The IS NULL operator is used to filter rows where the date_of_birth column contains a NULL value.
  • The result set includes employees for whom the date of birth is not specified.


The IS NULL operator in SQL Server is used for:

  • Identifying records with missing or unknown data in a specific column.
  • Handling situations where certain values may not be available or have not been provided.
  • Writing queries to filter or update records based on the absence of a particular value.

Important Points

  • The IS NULL operator checks whether a column or expression is NULL.
  • It is essential to handle NULL values appropriately, as they can impact query results and calculations.


The IS NULL operator in SQL Server is a valuable tool for identifying records with missing or unknown data. It simplifies the process of querying for records that have not been assigned a specific value in a particular column. Understanding how to use the IS NULL operator is crucial for dealing with NULL values effectively in SQL Server databases.

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