  1. semantic-ui-icon

semantic ui Icon - Semantic Elements

The semantic ui Icon is a part of the Semantic Elements library that allows users to add icons to their web pages. It is a very useful tool for enhancing the visual appearance and user experience of a page, as well as providing important visual cues to users. In this tutorial, we will explore the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points related to semantic ui Icon.

Understanding Semantic ui Icon


The syntax for semantic ui Icon is as follows:

<i class="icon name"></i>

Here, icon is the class name used by Semantic Elements to facilitate the use of icons in web pages. name is the name of the specific icon that you want to use. Semantic Elements supports various icons, which can be found on their website.


Consider an example where we want to add a download icon to a hyperlink on our web page.

<a class="ui primary button" href="/download">
  <i class="icon download"></i>
  Download Now

This code will add a "Download Now" button with a download icon to our page.


The output of the above code will be a "Download Now" button with a download icon displayed on our web page.


The semantic ui Icon adds a visual element, in this case an icon, to our web page that helps communicate important information to the user. In the above example, the "download" icon is added to a hyperlink to signify that the hyperlink will allow the user to download something.


The semantic ui Icon is a very useful tool for enhancing the visual appearance and user experience of a web page. It can be used in conjunction with various other elements on a page, such as buttons, links, and menu items, to provide additional visual cues to users.

Important Points

  • The semantic ui Icon is a class provided by the Semantic Elements library.
  • It allows users to add icons to their web pages.
  • Semantic ui Icon can be used in conjunction with various other elements to provide visual cues to users.


In this tutorial, we explored the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points related to semantic ui Icon. It is a very useful tool for enhancing the visual appearance and user experience of a web page, as well as providing important visual cues to users.

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