  1. selenium-python-alerts

Alerts - (Selenium Python Basic Commands)

When automating web applications using Selenium and Python, it is important to know how to handle alerts that may appear on the web page. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to handle alerts using Selenium Python basic commands.


The syntax for handling alerts in Selenium Python is as follows:

alert = driver.switch_to.alert
# Get the text from the alert
alert_text = alert.text
# Accept the alert
# Dismiss the alert


Let's look at an example of handling an alert in Selenium Python. Suppose we have a web page that displays an alert when a button is clicked. We want to automate the process of clicking the button and handling the alert.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.alert import Alert

# Open the web page
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Click the button that triggers the alert
button = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button")

# Wait for the alert to appear
alert = Alert(driver)
alert_text = alert.text

# Accept the alert

In this example, we use the webdriver.common.alert.Alert class to wait for the alert to appear, and then we use the accept() method to accept the alert.


Sometimes web pages display alerts that require user input before proceeding. Alerts can be used for various purposes including asking for confirmation, displaying an error message, etc. When automating web applications using Selenium and Python, it is important to handle these alerts properly to ensure that the automation process is not interrupted.


Handling alerts in Selenium Python is essential when dealing with web applications that display alerts that require user input.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when handling alerts in Selenium Python:

  • Use the switch_to.alert method to switch to the alert box.
  • Use the text property to retrieve the text of the alert.
  • Use the accept() method to accept the alert.
  • Use the dismiss() method to dismiss the alert.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to handle alerts using Selenium Python basic commands. We covered syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of using Selenium Python to handle alerts in web applications. With this knowledge, you can effectively handle alerts when automating web applications with Selenium and Python.

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