  1. react-native-flatlist

React-Native FlatList


import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

   // other props


import React from 'react';
import { FlatList, Text } from 'react-native';

const data = [
  { id: '1', title: 'Apple' },
  { id: '2', title: 'Banana' },
  { id: '3', title: 'Cherry' },
  // more items

function renderItem({ item }) {
  return <Text>{item.title}</Text>;

function keyExtractor(item) {

export default function MyFlatList() {
  return <FlatList data={data} renderItem={renderItem} keyExtractor={keyExtractor} />;


The MyFlatList component will output a list of fruit titles:



The FlatList component is a powerful and flexible component for rendering lists in React Native. It can handle very large lists, as it only renders a subset of the items at a time, and provides optimized scrolling and performance.

The data prop is an array of data to be rendered in the list. The renderItem prop is a function that renders each individual item in the list. The keyExtractor prop is a function that returns a unique key for each item.


The FlatList component can be used to render any type of list in a React Native app. It is particularly useful for large lists, or lists that are frequently updated.

Some common props that can be used with FlatList include:

  • numColumns: Specifies the number of columns in a grid layout.
  • refreshControl: Adds a pull-to-refresh control to the list.
  • onEndReached: Specifies a function to be called when the end of the list is reached.
  • ListEmptyComponent: Specifies a component to render if the list is empty.

Important Points

One important consideration when using FlatList is that the renderItem function should be a pure function, meaning it should not depend on any external state or props. This is because renderItem may be called multiple times for the same item, and should always produce the same output.

Another consideration is that FlatList uses a virtualized rendering strategy, meaning that it only renders a subset of the items at any given time. This can be more performant for large lists, but it also means that components in the list need to be lightweight and fast-rendering.


The FlatList component is a powerful and flexible component for rendering lists in React Native. It provides optimized performance for large lists, and supports a wide range of props for customizing the list's behavior.

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