  1. nextjs-advantages-of-using-nextjs

Next.js: Advantages of Using Next.js


Next.js is a popular React framework used for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation. It provides a lot of advantages over traditional React applications, making it a great option for building web applications.


1. Server-side rendering (SSR)

Next.js provides easy integration of server-side rendering, making it easy to create web pages that are fully rendered on the server before being served to the client. This means that the initial page load is faster, resulting in a better user experience.

2. Automatic code splitting

Next.js comes with automatic code splitting, which means that only the code required for a particular page will be downloaded, rendering faster page loading speed.

3. Built-in CSS handling

Next.js allows for the use of CSS styling inside of component files without the need for additional configurations, unlike React builds.

4. TypeScript support

Next.js ships with built-in TypeScript support, which can improve code quality, making it easy to catch errors earlier before deploying to production, improving maintainability.

5. Static site generation

Next.js provides support for static site generation, allowing the website to be pre-built and served as static files, which improves performance and reduces server costs.

6. Incremental adoption

With Next.js, it's easy to incrementally adopt features, e.g., only server-side rendering or only static site generation, etc.


Next.js simplifies the development of React applications by providing support for server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, built-in CSS handling, and more. The framework is easy to adopt, making it an excellent choice for incremental adoption of features. Its features will improve the overall performance of web applications and provide a better user experience, which will make it a common choice of developers.

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