  1. mysql-how-to-use-mysqlbefore-trigger

How to Use MySQL Before Trigger

In MySQL, a trigger is a set of SQL statements that are executed in response to a certain event, such as an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation. The BEFORE trigger is executed before the event occurs, allowing you to modify the data before it is inserted, updated, or deleted. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to use a BEFORE trigger in MySQL.


The syntax for creating a BEFORE trigger in MySQL is as follows:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON table_name
    -- statements to execute before insert

Let's break down the syntax piece by piece:

  • CREATE TRIGGER specifies that we're creating a trigger.
  • trigger_name specifies the name of the trigger.
  • BEFORE INSERT specifies that the trigger should be executed before an INSERT operation.
  • ON table_name specifies the table that the trigger is associated with.
  • FOR EACH ROW specifies that the trigger should be executed for each row that is affected by the INSERT operation.
  • BEGIN signals the beginning of the SQL statements that will be executed in response to the trigger.
  • END signals the end of the SQL statements.


Let's say we have a table called users with columns for id, name, and age. We want to automatically set the value of the age column to 18 if it is not provided in an INSERT statement. Here's how we can implement this using a BEFORE trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER set_default_age
ON users
        SET NEW.age = 18;
    END IF;

Now, when we insert a new user without specifying an age, the trigger will automatically set the age to 18:

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John Doe');


When we run the INSERT statement above, the users table will contain the following row:

id name age
1 John Doe 18

This is because the BEFORE trigger set the value of age to 18 when it was not provided in the INSERT statement.


In the example above, we created a BEFORE trigger called set_default_age that is executed before an INSERT operation on the users table. The trigger checks if the age value is NULL in the NEW row that is being inserted. If it is, the trigger sets the value of age to 18 using the SET statement.


BEFORE triggers are useful for modifying data before it is inserted, updated, or deleted. They can be used to enforce data integrity constraints, perform data validation, or modify data based on certain conditions.

Important Points

  • You can create multiple BEFORE triggers on a table for different events (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
  • Triggers can contain complex SQL statements reference other tables and objects.
  • Be careful not to create infinite loops with triggers, as they can cause performance issues and lead to data inconsistencies.


In this tutorial, we walked through how to use a BEFORE trigger in MySQL. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of BEFORE triggers in MySQL. With this knowledge, you can now use BEFORE triggers to modify data before it is inserted, updated, or deleted in your MySQL tables.

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