  1. jquery-outerheight

JQuery outerHeight()

The JQuery outerHeight() method is a useful tool that helps you retrieve the height of an element, including padding, borders, and margins.


The syntax for outerHeight() is:



The outerHeight() method is useful for situations where you need to calculate the exact height of an element, including any padding, borders, or margins. This can be useful when you are creating layouts and need to position elements dynamically based on their size.


Here is an example of how outerHeight() can be used to calculate the height of an element:

<div id="my-div" style="height: 100px; padding: 10px; border: 2px solid black; margin: 5px;">Hello world</div>

    var height = $('#my-div').outerHeight();
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In this example, we have a <div> element with a height of 100 pixels, as well as padding, border, and margin styles. We use the outerHeight() method to retrieve the exact height of the element, including its padding, border, and margin. We then log this value to the console.


The outerHeight() method in JQuery is a useful tool for retrieving the exact height of an element, including padding, borders, and margins. This can be useful for creating dynamic layouts and positioning elements based on their size. Use it to streamline your code and make your website or web application more user-friendly.

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