  1. ibm-cloud-virtual-servers-and-bare-metal-servers

IBM Cloud Virtual Servers and Bare Metal Servers

IBM Cloud offers a range of virtual servers and bare metal servers that can meet the needs of any business. Virtual servers are an ideal choice for workloads that require flexibility and scalability, whereas bare metal servers are great for workloads that need consistent performance and stability.

Virtual Servers

Virtual servers are a flexible and scalable solution for hosting applications in the cloud. They are often used for web hosting, development and testing, and hosting web-based applications. Here are the steps to create a virtual server on IBM Cloud:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
  2. Click on the "Create Resource" button.
  3. Choose "Virtual Server" from the menu.
  4. Select the location and configuration of your virtual server.
  5. Customize your virtual server as needed.
  6. Review and create your virtual server.

Here are a few examples and use cases for virtual servers on IBM Cloud:

  • Hosting a website or blog
  • Running a development or testing environment
  • Hosting a web-based application or API

Bare Metal Servers

Bare metal servers are physical servers that are dedicated to a single tenant. They offer the highest levels of performance and security, making them ideal for demanding workloads. Here are the steps to create a bare metal server on IBM Cloud:

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
  2. Click on the "Create Resource" button.
  3. Choose "Bare Metal Server" from the menu.
  4. Select the location and configuration of your bare metal server.
  5. Customize your bare metal server as needed.
  6. Review and create your bare metal server.

Here are a few examples and use cases for bare metal servers on IBM Cloud:

  • Running a high-performance database or analytics workload
  • Hosting a mission-critical application or service
  • Running a large-scale virtualization workload

Important Points

  • Virtual servers are ideal for workloads that require flexibility and scalability, while bare metal servers are great for workloads that need consistent performance and stability.
  • IBM Cloud offers a range of virtual servers and bare metal servers that can meet the needs of any business.
  • Virtual servers and bare metal servers can be easily created and customized on IBM Cloud.
  • IBM Cloud provides a range of services and tools that can help businesses optimize and manage their virtual and bare metal servers.


In conclusion, IBM Cloud provides a range of virtual servers and bare metal servers that can meet the needs of any business. These servers are easy to create and customize, and IBM Cloud provides a range of services and tools to help businesses optimize and manage their servers. Whether you need flexibility and scalability or consistent performance and stability, IBM Cloud has a solution for you.

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