  1. css-quotes

CSS Quotes

  • CSS quotes allow you to add quotation marks to your content without the need for additional HTML markup.
  • They offer a simple and effective way to enhance your text and make it more visually appealing.


q:before {
    content: open-quote;

q:after {
    content: close-quote;


Here is an example of using CSS quotes:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        q:before {
            content: open-quote;
        q:after {
            content: close-quote;
    <p>As Shakespeare once said, <q>To be, or not to be: that is the question.</q></p>
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In this example, we use the q selector to target our quote element. We use the :before and :after pseudo-elements to add the opening and closing quotation marks. The content property is used to specify the HTML entity for the quotation marks.


CSS quotes are commonly used in content-heavy websites, such as blogs, articles, and news sites, to visually separate quotes from the rest of the text.

Important Points

  • CSS quotes are supported by most modern browsers, but may not work in older browsers.
  • The content property can be used to specify different types of quotation marks, such as double or single quotes.
  • It is possible to add different styles to the opening and closing quotation marks, such as changing their color or font size.


CSS quotes offer a simple and effective way to add quotation marks to your content without the need for additional HTML markup. They are commonly used in content-heavy websites to visually separate quotes from the rest of the text. With their simple syntax and powerful capabilities, CSS quotes are a great choice for enhancing your content.

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