  1. couch-db-update-document

Update Document - (CouchDB Document)

CouchDB is a NoSQL database that is known for its flexibility and scalability. One of the strengths of CouchDB is its ability to store and manage documents. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to update a document in CouchDB using a HTTP PUT request.


PUT http://localhost:5984/{database}/{document_id}

  "_id": "document_id",
  "_rev": "revision_id",
  "key": "value"


Let's take a look at an example of how to update a document in CouchDB using an HTTP PUT request:

PUT http://localhost:5984/mydatabase/123

  "_id": "123",
  "_rev": "1-abc123def456",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "age": 35

In this example, we are updating the document with ID "123" in the "mydatabase" database. We have included the ID and revision number in the request body, which is required for updating a document in CouchDB. We also included a new value for the "age" field.


If the update is successful, CouchDB will return a JSON response with the new revision number:

  "ok": true,
  "id": "123",
  "rev": "2-xyz789ghi012"

If the update is unsuccessful due to a conflict, CouchDB will return a 409 error with the current revision number.


When updating a document in CouchDB, you must include the document ID and revision number in the request body to ensure that you are updating the latest version of the document. CouchDB uses optimistic concurrency control to ensure that updates do not conflict with other updates.


Updating a document in CouchDB is a common operation when working with a non-relational database. Use cases for updating a document may include changing a user's profile information or updating product information in an e-commerce application.

Important Points

  • When updating a document in CouchDB, the _rev field must be included to ensure that you are updating the latest version of the document.
  • CouchDB uses optimistic concurrency control to prevent editing conflicts.
  • Updating a document in CouchDB may also include adding or removing fields in addition to simply changing existing values.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to update a document in CouchDB using an HTTP PUT request. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of updating a document in CouchDB. With this knowledge, you can now update documents in your CouchDB database as needed to keep your data up to date.

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