  1. adonet-oracleclient

OracleClient - (ADO.NET Data Providers)

OracleClient is an ADO.NET data provider for Oracle databases that enables .NET applications to access and manipulate data stored in Oracle databases. It's a component of the .NET Framework and provides a set of classes for connecting to Oracle databases, executing SQL commands, and retrieving data.


OracleClient uses the ADO.NET programming model, which involves creating and using classes from the System.Data.OracleClient namespace. The basic steps to use OracleClient in a .NET application are:

  1. Create an instance of the OracleConnection class and set its ConnectionString property to the appropriate connection string for the Oracle database.
  2. Open the connection by calling the Open method of the OracleConnection object.
  3. Create an instance of the OracleCommand class and set its CommandText property to the SQL command you want to execute.
  4. Execute the command by calling the ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteReader, or ExecuteScalar method of the OracleCommand object.
  5. Retrieve results from the command using the appropriate method (e.g., Read or GetValue) of the OracleDataReader object returned by ExecuteReader.


Here's an example of how to use OracleClient to retrieve data from an Oracle database:

using System.Data.OracleClient;

string connectionString = "Data Source=MyOracleDB;User ID=myUser;Password=myPassword;";
OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString);

string sql = "SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Department = 'Sales'";
OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, connection);
OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

while (reader.Read())
    int employeeID = reader.GetInt32(0);
    string employeeName = reader.GetString(1);
    string department = reader.GetString(2);
    decimal salary = reader.GetDecimal(3);

    Console.WriteLine("Employee ID: {0}, Name: {1}, Department: {2}, Salary: {3}",
        employeeID, employeeName, department, salary);


This code connects to an Oracle database using the connection string "Data Source=MyOracleDB;User ID=myUser;Password=myPassword;", executes the SQL command "SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Department = 'Sales'", and displays the results in the console.


When you run this code, it queries the Oracle database and outputs a list of employees with the department "Sales" and their respective employee ID, name, department, and salary.


OracleClient provides a set of classes that enable .NET applications to interact with Oracle databases. The OracleConnection class represents a connection to an Oracle database, while the OracleCommand class represents an SQL command that can be executed against the database. The OracleDataReader class provides a forward-only, read-only stream of data from the database.


OracleClient is used in .NET applications that need to access and manipulate data stored in Oracle databases. It's particularly useful for applications that require high performance or need to access Oracle-specific features, such as stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined types.

Important Points

  • OracleClient is an ADO.NET data provider for Oracle databases.
  • OracleClient provides a set of classes for connecting to Oracle databases, executing SQL commands, and retrieving data.
  • OracleClient uses the ADO.NET programming model.
  • OracleClient is useful for .NET applications that need to access and manipulate data stored in Oracle databases.


In this page, we discussed the basics of using OracleClient as an ADO.NET data provider for Oracle databases. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of OracleClient. OracleClient is a powerful tool for .NET applications that need to interact with Oracle databases. It provides a set of classes that simplify the process of querying and manipulating data in the database.

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